6 Tips You Need For Having A Stress-Free Holiday Season

Stress Free Holiday

The long-awaited holiday season is knocking on the door. When we see family, wear the ugliest but comfiest sweaters, and most importantly, have all the hot chocolate milk because calories don’t count for the holiday season! Duh!

Now, this might be a different holiday season for some. Those who, along with the Christmas gifts baggage, also have tons of emotional baggage and an influx of stress and anxiety. As said in the lyric, “We’re sleeping on our problems like we solve them in our dreams, we wake up every morning and they’re still under the sheets.” We can’t just ignore them and make it the problem of the future versions of us. The holiday season requires a lot, including extravagant meals, thoughtful gifts, and a constant smile. If you’re not in a festive mood, you’re not alone.

If the holiday season makes you go no-no-no, there are some routines and practical strategies you can use to naturally get rid of that stress and rejoice with the near and dear!

In a survey performed for the American Psychiatric Association, 41% of Americans said that the holidays made them more stressed out.

During the holidays, many expectations are placed on us, which can make anxiety soar. But there are other issues as well, such as anxiety and stress. The holiday season is a popular time for depression. When someone is grieving over the holidays or already has the seasonal affective disorder, this can sometimes result in loneliness or a lack of fulfillment, which exacerbates the symptoms of depression.

With the added strain of family and holiday shopping or the isolation that COVID-19 brought to some people’s holidays, conditions like depression and anxiety might get worse.

  1. Acknowledge What You’re Feeling

You won’t necessarily feel happy just because it’s the Christmas season. That’s fine too. To begin controlling your stress, you must first recognize your feelings. You may choose how to respond to stress if you can identify it and name it.

Finding the source of your stress might also be aided by acknowledging the stress you’re experiencing. Perhaps your plans are failing or having your entire family at your house is unpleasant.

  1. Recognize Things That Matter

In general, it is really easy to let things get to you. One little hiccup can ruin your “vibe” for the whole day. Especially during the holiday season, when there is chaos on the streets, in shops, and coffee shops. It is important to realize that it is a bad day, and not a bad life. In such scenarios, ask yourself

  • What role does this play in the overall picture?
  • Can I take this moment of annoyance as a chance to think?
  • Can I make this situation enjoyable even though it looks unpleasant at the moment?
  1. Maintain And Create Boundaries

Half of the stress comes from letting others exceed their limits and letting ourselves expand. It is important to consider ourselves as a person too and take care and put ourselves first. 

Not overworking and as a result burning out is the “new year, new me” everyone needs. This can be in the case of office teammates, friends or social circle, and even family. 

  1. Share Feelings

The next step after acknowledging your feelings is sharing them with people you trust. It might make you feel better, validated, and light after getting that weight off your shoulders. There is nothing wrong with not feeling okay. And so is letting someone know that you are not. 

  1. Take A Break

While you go gift shopping while analyzing the needs and wishes of everyone, it is important to not forget your own. The holiday season is called a “holiday” for a reason. It is for you to rejuvenate yourself and lift yourself from those little meanies troubling you. 

  1. Rethink Your Resolutions 

“Nah! New Years’ Resolutions never work for me!” Yes. Because the set resolutions are so unrealistic, even the little part of you was laughing at yourself while setting them. 

Set resolutions according to your capacity, caliber, and courage. 

Breaking your goal into smaller stages and phases makes it seem more achievable. When the mind takes it one step at a time, the completion of that resolution seems easier and do-able.

Another important point is to be gentle with yourself. In case you are not able to achieve any goal or task, don’t beat yourself up about it. Don’t let yourself slip into the black hole of self-loathing. 

Happy (Happy) Holidays!

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