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BlueIOT Real-Time Locating Structure In Indonesian Hospital   


WHO defines a near miss as “an error that has the potential to cause an adverse event (patient harm) but fails to do so because of chance or because it is intercepted”.

The desire to supply more out-patients care than inpatient care creates some difficult situations. For example, overcrowding in the outpatient clinics and problems in healthcare supply chains in Inventory management, are not new in hospitals. Nowadays to overcome and to intercept this situation, BlueIOT Real-Time Locating Structure is going to be introduced to Indonesian Hospital this spring.

Recently, Nordic Semiconductor has issued a statement about BlueIOT Technology Co., Ltd, a Beijing-based tracking technology company, opted for Nordic’s nRF52833 Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth LE) advanced multiprotocol System-on-Chip (SoC) to provide the core processing and wireless connectivity for ‘BlueIOT’, a Bluetooth LE Angle-of-Arrival (AoA) tracking system.

The tracking system is designed for indoor use in health centers, chain stores, or expositions, for instance, as well as for tracking in warehouses and factories. The nRF52833 SoC-powered tags are just like apple air tags, can be placed in key locations throughout a facility, or attached to resources in a warehouse, allowing staff, patients, and customers to plot a route to their way to a specified item or location via the ‘BLUEIOT MAP’ app on a Bluetooth 4.0 (and later) Android smartphone or iOS. The app provides indoor navigation and path planning features as well as point-of-interest utility.

BlueIOT’s tracking system takes its accuracy level down to 0.1m, which is 10 times higher compared to traditional Bluetooth gadgets. With patented tracking gateways, its tracking system is compatible with all tags that are Bluetooth 4.0 or above and supports the high-precision tracking assistance for both internet-of-things (IoT) tags and location-based services (LBS) smartphones. The system also stands out for its features of high efficiency, low energy, low cost, and small size.

How BlueIOT is Solving Issues?

Overcrowding, lessen waiting times, and multiplying access to the services for patients are now possible, hospitals and long-term care facilities have seen expensive inventory go to waste, and unused materials tie up valuable storage space. Surplus stock, emergency “just-in-case” supplies, and shelf-life limitations all exacerbate these issues can be solved.

After the smart home ecosystem now it’s time for smart hospital patient monitoring, smart logistics, etc there is n number of possibilities to intercept multiple problems and make the best use of assets with BlueIOT

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