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Elena Palieri: Blending Creativity With Strategy With PROMIX SRL, Strategically Enhancing Industrial Communication

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One of the first things that humans figured out was communication. Through smoke bombs, claps, special sounds, and so on. We found communication crucial for survival. Step by step we developed and so did our communication techniques bringing us to where we are now.

Modern communication takes traditional communication practices to a different level. We don’t just rely on newspapers or loudspeakers. But we bank on more digitally inclined techniques. Communication has expanded its horizons from just two parties to being between masses, organizations, and industries.

PROMIX SRL designs strategies aimed at enhancing industrial communication. The agency deals with services related to functional communication and manufacturing “people-oriented” strategies focusing on the B2B market. Taking advantage of their decades of expertise, they come up with the most innovative digital PR, lead generation, social media, and SEO tools that are proven to work in the industrial market.

Discussions and Talks

While in talks with Elena Palieri, the CEO and Strategic Director of PROMIX SRL, several views about digital strategies and industrial communication, in general, were put forward. Elena Palieri has a degree in Visual Arts with a specialization in Communication and Business Strategy giving her an artistic background and approach. Her experiences ranged from the press as a junior accountant and marketing director and also working as a blogger and content creator.

Elena tested the waters by stepping into various industries and markets swimming her way through the fashion, automotive, IT, and manufacturing industries. While on this journey, she leaned more and more toward the world of industrial communication.

Humble Beginnings And Inspirations

Promix SRL is one of those Pandemic-Initiatives. It was Elena’s first step on an entrepreneur’s path to bring new opportunities and visibility to the industry. The Promix SRL team blend strategies and creativity into precise communication models that put a functional value on communication management for the industrial market.

They deal very specifically with industry and industrial communication. As a business serving businesses, they put forward categorically tailor-made and highly customized strategies. They try to establish a relationship of mutual trust through the creation of a strong and well-connected elite market.

Unlike traditional communication techniques, the messages and strategies combine brand familiarity with the strength of important technical content and enable non-intrusive market entry, opening up new possibilities for discussion and growth.

Services Available

With their decade’s worth of experience in the digital world, the team strives to provide their clients with several services that work towards building the success of companies in the market.

The company through its services makes sure of the presence of core elements in whatever they design, suggest, or work for. The elements are- Brand Awareness, Product Positioning, and Human Value. This approach is responsible for the team’s valuable, fast and goal-oriented results.

Strategic consulting facilities like lead generation, event designing, online reputation, and webinars are organized to maintain and manage all marketing and communication activities.

The agency also takes care of Media Relations through digital PR, editorials, and press releases to continue constant and consistent communication.

Packaging, brand identities, and advertising is taken care of through the Graphic Design and Packaging department which brainstorms its way into getting an image or a campaign exactly what you probably had in mind.

Thanks to its web development and SEO techniques and experience,  Promix helps you find a trusted partner for the creation of your website or e-commerce, from design to planning up to SEO positioning, to appear on search engines.

Your digital presence is maintained efficiently by the Social Media Management team which focuses on and alters the type of content on your page, its frequency, and page architecture.

Through Videography and Photography, they can pass forward the message by creating engaging, and exciting videos/photos

Something New To The Table

Promix SRL uses functional strategies that encompass certain tools that utilize technical languages and strategic content formats that are beneficial for promoting businesses, particularly those that compete in the industrial sector.

The company supports a practical, non-promotional strategy that highlights the true value at the center of every business—people—while respecting and enhancing their need to be involved, informed, and interested.

The agency was founded specifically to emphasize, maintain, and establish communication, helping guide clients toward a decrease of the strictly advertising approach through a more human presence closer to the user, consisting of the ideal blend of knowledge, technical expertise, and personal zeal.

The team has a holistic approach that ensures complete coverage of all services related to functional communication, focused on the industrial and B2B markets.

“The strength of Promix lies in recognizing that companies are composed first and foremost by human beings, with all the facets of real people. Our priority is to bring corporate communication back to a model that enhances the commitment and passion underlying every business.”

Challenges In The Way

Elena likes to call the industrial industry the “creation market”. And in this very Creation Market, there will always be and always have been several ups and downs- be it about the changing trends and practices or perceptions in general. Being a “pandemic venture”, the last two years have brought with it a constantly changing operating model; adapting to which is a constant task. The industry is passionate and supportive in every way possible and through its new trends, has started to give more priority to what its audience has to say through its new trends.

Running a business will always come with its fair, at times unfair, share of problems and challenges. Overcoming those in the early days could seem like the end of the world, but soon an entrepreneur realizes that this is a part of being an entrepreneur.

Customer Satisfaction and Feedback

The basic goal of functional-industrial communication is to provide the public with useful information and resources that will help potential customers see the company as a trustworthy and authoritative partner with whom to build a long-term relationship.

Promix SRL pays a lot of attention to the very details of their client’s businesses.No stone should be left unturned if it concerns the communication and image of the company. This establishes a healthy and transparent relationship of trust between the company and its clients and puts forward an image of commitment and interest.

Behind The Scenes

As the Promix team was founded during the pandemic,  it had to quickly adjust to following an entirely digital route. The team developed to be efficient in terms of hiring, interviewing candidates, and initiating projects. This demanded a great deal of flexibility, attentiveness, and teamwork, which undoubtedly contributed to the foundation of the outstanding group that is Promix today.

Elena defines each success as the success of the whole team and not just individually. At the Promix office, every effort and contribution is recognized and appreciated accordingly. This motivates members to work with pleasure and passion and not just as an obligation.

A civil and professional environment is maintained to prevent violent disagreements and clashes. Every opinion is taken into regard in a completely professional way so that every member puts their mind and expertise on the table.

Newer Developments Under Promix SRL?

The company surely wants to expand its horizons to more bilateral communication- putting greater focus and attention on the very end user and their queries and comments. The company is working towards introducing a new range of tools like podcasts, case studies, and video streams.

They are immensely proud of their very latest initiative which is co-marketing between complementary enterprises and have faith in the incredible future ahead for them and their clients.

A Message For Budding Entrepreneurs Out There?

Elena surely wants to see more such initiatives pop up shortly and take the steps she finally took that one day.

She talks about the two factors that are responsible for a company’s success, Finding a suitable and receptive market and the Competence of people who work with you. The market and the employees.

Every entrepreneur should have a thorough knowledge of the industry they are about to step into; this is not just limited to the industrial sector, but every other.

Listening is your superpower for growth. Listening to your customers, employees, and clients will always allow you to grow and flourish in more ways than one. It is important to understand that sometimes, you might not have the view and perspective an outsider does.

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Fortunes Crown

Fortunes crown seeks to inspire, inform and celebrate businesses. We help entrepreneurs, business owners, influencers, and experts by covering their products and services. We, as an online publication always inclined to feature companies of all sizes.

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