Brian Liu: Revolutionizing Semiconductors Today To Power The Devices Of Tomorrow

Brian Liu
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The Educational And Professional Life

Brian Liu majored in Management in Financial Institutions in college. He discovered finance to be a broad spectrum of principles useful in handling various types of businesses across various industries.

Before joining the tech industry, he worked as a portfolio manager at a boutique financial firm, where he provided clients with analysis and asset management services. From there, he went on to work as a pizza maker at Domino’s Pizza, gaining hands-on experience and learning more about the operations of a food and beverage type of business.

He then moved on to design and development of residential properties in the city of New Manila, where he built and sold various residential townhouses, to explore more on the artistic side. While all of these experiences enriched his journey, he felt most inspired in the technology sector. He then started working on the semiconductor production line to gain knowledge and hands-on experience with the process of building semiconductor devices. Only through such hands-on experience did he realize the complexity and sophistication required in creating these cutting-edge devices, as well as how important they were in the pillar of innovation.

He went on to prove that a jack of all trades could be an undisputed master. As he worked more with customers on the design and development front, he also handled the qualification stage, as well as the transition into mass production, and thus the entire process from start to finish. Only through these experiences can one fully comprehend the value of semiconductors and how important they are in technological evolution and innovation, which drives his journey forward. Brian is currently the CEO at Cirtek and he is proud to have helped Cirtek evolve from a company purely focused on semiconductors to one with a broader aim. “We are now a full-system assembly company,” he says. “We have diversified and levelled up, incorporating our own software and our own designs.”

The Dynamics In The Current Scenario Of Business

Over the last two years, the technology industry has largely excelled. The communications market has enjoyed healthy growth due to an increased need for remote working, while the demand for technological products to facilitate this has played right into the company’s hands. The technology sector is quite broad, and the current scenario is constantly shifting. To maintain its hands at diversity, the company has involvement in RF, Communications, Power Management, Aerospace, Industrial, Medical, and Consumer, to name a few. We are also interested in communication infrastructure equipment. As a result, they are able to mitigate various headwinds as business environments shift, allowing them to remain resilient. Customer preferences have continued to evolve, resulting in new generation devices that seek to pack more functionality into a smaller package. Cirtek’s ability to engage in bespoke semiconductor devices allows them to maintain the necessary agility to cater to unique customer specifications, further solidifying the foundation for developing new generation devices alongside the clients over time. Overall, Brian Liu strives to keep his business portfolio diverse in terms of exposure in order to ensure proper risk mitigation.

The Inspiration Behind Establishing Cirtek

Cirtek Electronics Corporation has an impact on the lives of millions of people. It was initiated in 2011. Brian Liu has always believed that as humanity continues to innovate, technology will become even more ingrained in our daily lives. As is well known, technology that allows us to discover more and reach further influences evolution, and one of the main pillars of this foundation is none other than semiconductors. This realization sparked his motivation to found Cirtek Holdings. The thought of being able to participate and contribute in hatever way he can to humanity’s evolution. Mr. Brian’s thoughts truly inspire us to embark on and appreciate his journey.

The Differentiating Factor In Cirtek And Its Competitors’ Offerings

One of Cirtek’s key strengths is in custom-made and application-specific devices, which gives them a competitive advantage and allows them to stay relevant in the industry. Cirtek’s production lines have been designed for agility, allowing them to pivot into high-demand areas while pivoting out of slower-moving segments. Rather than focusing solely on a single segment of the semiconductor industry, Cirtek maintains a highly diversified product portfolio that allows them to remain resilient even during difficult times. It is also through our sophisticated portfolio of manufacturing technologies, materials, and capabilities that their devices are bespoke and unique, making them nearly impossible to replicate, thereby strengthening our foundation even further.

Unique Challenges Faced By Cirtek And Its Effect On Business

A slew of new challenges has recently put companies and industries to the test. To name a few, the coronavirus pandemic, trade and logistics bottlenecks, the Russia- Ukraine war, commodities price surge, and even a potential recession are all on the horizon. Cirtek experienced supply chain bottlenecks as one of the ripple effects.

“It caused significant delays in the arrival of newly ordered equipment and machine tooling. This caused schedules to be pushed back, resulting in delays and other setbacks, which we remedied by planning further ahead, alleviating delays, and allowing us to catch up. Of course, this had a knock-on effect because trade bottlenecks caused a supply shortage, causing commodity prices to rise and squeeze profit margins,” Brian states.

Measures Incorporated By Cirtek To Ensure Motivation And Productivity Within The Workspace

Motivation is defined as a person’s general desire or willingness to do something. Workplace motivation is no different. It is your employee’s desire or willingness to do outstanding work. And, in that sense, it is the holy grail that all managers strive for.

Brian ensures workplace motivation by assembling a compassionate yet rational Human Resource Division. It is absolutely necessary for the workplace. Maintaining an effective and happy workforce requires a combination of patience, prudence, and understanding. “I always urged to maintain a level playing field so that even the most introverted team member could contribute and demonstrate what he or she has to offer,” Brian says.

Individuals can only be motivated to express their creativity in a harmonious work environment, bringing out the best in everyone and ensuring productivity in the workplace. Brian minimizes the politics and emotions that cause toxicity in the workplace by providing a platform for all individuals to shine, thereby alleviating criticism and disagreements. It is critical to be an enabler, encouraging team members to let their light shine by maintaining an open mind and a level playing field.

What Measures Does Cirtek Undertake To Ensure Optimum Customer Satisfaction?

Cirtek audits its production lines and facilities regularly to ensure that standards are met and maintained. Aside from internal audits and reviews, they also allow external audits from partners and clients to ensure equal perspectives and assessment. These activities enable them to maintain and continuously improve standards.

Brian claims, “What our customers think is important to us, and feedback from our partners serves as a guiding light on the path we take in terms of upgrades and technological roadmaps. As our partners expand, so will we. Cirtek is constantly striving to diversify to provide the best possible customer service.”

Is Brian Planning To Launch Any New Products /Services Or Advancements To His Company’s Existing Offerings?

Given that the global semiconductor market is expected to grow at a 6% annual rate and reach $84.41 billion in Asia alone between 2021 and 2025, Cirtek appears to be well positioned for success. The company and its millennial CFO appear to be on track to become major players in the electronics industry. As technology advances, more devices and aspects of our daily lives become electrified and digitized. As a result, Cirtek anticipates that demand for power management and power delivery devices will continue to rise. Parallel to this, the trend in electrification necessitates the need for surge and protection devices, prompting increased demand and development for new generation transient voltage suppressants and the like.

To connect it all, however, a mesh that allows all connected devices to communicate is required, which is why they believe the RF and communications segment will continue to grow. Cirtek can maintain a highly diverse product portfolio due to the agility of our production lines, and with their assessment of key growth segments, we incorporate the necessary technology and capabilities to engage in these attractive segments in the industry. This would ensure long-term growth and a stable foundation.

A Piece Of Advice For Young Entrepreneurs From Brian

Rightly said by Brian, A leader must never close his or her mind to disruptive ideas and must always be open to new ones. Individual capabilities are limited, but by maintaining a level playing field and enabling others rather than inhibiting them, one can go beyond his or her limitations as a collective team. A leader must always respect those around him or her; it is only through mutual respect and goodwill that one can truly lead.

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