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Michael A. Collura: The Solitaire Entrepreneur Developing Individualized Caregiving Plans

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Caregivers go through more than they tell you. The elderly are supported and encouraged by caregivers to carry out everyday activities, engage in social interactions, and pursue their interests. Caregivers often lean into the love they didn’t know possibly.

While earning a career via artistic efforts is not new, the notion of the creative businessperson is, especially for Michael, the creator of In Home Personal Services.

Contributing towards helping seniors and being a Rainbow in someone else’s Cloud, we are sharing a journey with you of a caregiving business,  In Home Personal Services, fueled by strength, courage, and determination to solve one of the vital necessities likewise supporting our seniors’ independence and having high-quality in-home care.

Michael A. Collura, the founder of In Home Personal Services, says “Being a part of In Home Personal Services, I can honestly say I never felt like I had a “job”. He has a mission, a drive, and a life that gives him the chance to be a positive force for others in countless ways that he never even imagined.

Let’s dive into the story of building a caregiving business acting as a hero- In Home Personal Services.

Outlining the founder’s sketch and inspiration leading towards taking the helm of a company

Michael as a teenager started working with seniors in the nursing home industry. Michael does not merely love what he did but instead finds it to be rewarding. He enjoyed making a positive difference in the lives of others, and that led him to want to learn more about senior care so he could do more. He finished learning about service, leadership, and care over the years of working in the retail industry. Those lessons built a foundation for them to become the leader he is today. Michael’s primary source of inspiration has always been his Wife. The day he met her, his life changed for the better. She is the reason for everything he does and for everything that he has achieved. He works to make her proud.

Coping with the Evolution of consumer preferences

Those who trust In Home Personal Services want compassionate and professional care they can foster trust, and the company is here to provide them with the independent lifestyle they seek to enjoy. It has never really changed for any one of the team members at In Home Service. They want safety, security, and freedom to enjoy our lives as we see fit. They provide that little extra assistance to get folks to where the consumer wants to be in their life.

Stumbling blocks and their impact on the business

In Home Personal Services has taken the challenge and turned it into an opportunity and advantage. They have innovated and built a business model that has achieved the goals they targeted on day one to bring quality and affordable care to seniors. Their challenges are faced head-on, and they do not work to bypass these obstacles. They work to understand them and develop new ways to resolve the issues that are sometimes unconventional but always to the benefit of the client.

Company’s incorporation and prominent services/solutions that it brings to the table

The company was established in 2004. They have built a business model around the basic yet all-important factor of quality care for others. Simply wanting to do good and help others has cultivated the mission for them all these decades. No growth, no change, no struggle, and no failure has ever diminished the set mission, and their brand’s position in the market today is all the proof one needs of their success in that mission.

Paved path that guarantees workplace enthusiasm following conflicts and criticism

They believe that criticism is nothing more than an opportunity to improve. They welcome all forms of criticism. No leader should ever operate under a false veil that they are always right or all-knowing. Most leaders, in fact, all leaders, are outweighed, outclassed, and outnumbered by those around them and their critics. So rather than trying to fight the flow of information, one should simply submit. They take the criticism to heart. They do not be offended or allow it to drain their energy. Instead, they reflect and build on it. Many of their innovations and improvements over the years came from criticism.

Strategy to pull off the utmost level of client satisfaction

Satisfaction and success are the same things for In Home Personal Services. The care they provide to others makes a real difference in their daily lives. Without contributing towards the same, they are nothing. Without the trust clients place in them, they will never be able to deliver the care needed. Without the remarkable and unique team of care providers, their brand would not have the strong reputation, it has today. Without those same amazing people working to ensure their brand commitment and mission, Michael would not be a worthy leader. 

A brief sketch of services/products the company overture

They are a non-medical senior care provider at the core. However, they are also a nationwide franchise business for inspiring entrepreneurs who want to be business owners within this industry. Their franchise system has been a proven model which has decades’ worth of differentiators and advantages built into its system that makes real-world impacts on the lives of others and within the growth of the business.

Roadmap approaching improvements

Innovation is saying no to several things. Hence, it never ceases. This year they have already launched several new services, their very own school operating in all 50 states. It is an institute that is fundamental to be recognized by the Illinois Board of Higher Education. They are also developing a new medical technology that will bring a significant quality of life improvement to those with Parkinson’s Disease. The above stated is just the first half of 2022.

Tips for aspirants

The company shows faith in business entrepreneurs’ seekers. According to Michael, they should never care about title or prestige because those fade and are irrelevant. Invest behind those around you and build them up. That will be a far more significant and lifelong achievement for you.

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Fortunes crown seeks to inspire, inform and celebrate businesses. We help entrepreneurs, business owners, influencers, and experts by covering their products and services. We, as an online publication always inclined to feature companies of all sizes.

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