New Scam In Town: AI Voice Cloning Scam Fools Victims Into Giving Thousands
Earlier, scams were in the form of fake-looking SMSs claiming you won a jackpot or a mansion or calls claiming they need your credentials for some offer. Scams that you could ignore and be saved from with some awareness. But today, with the magical era of AI, these scams have gotten way more clever and personal. Meet your new threat- Ai Voice Cloning Scam! A new breed of cybercriminals has been among the first to profit in the six months after Open AI initially released Chat GPT to the public and sparked an artificial intelligence arms race with the ability to rewrite history. These cutting-edge thieves use high-tech tools and methods to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from regular folks like you and me. Cybercriminals have developed a new type of swindle using recently forged artificial intelligence (AI) voice copying technologies. They can virtually clone anyone’s voice with a short audio sample, allowing them to deliver false voicemails and voice messaging texts. This new type of AI voice scam is growing intently due to AI voice generators being available with just one click. Scam in Seconds A stranger’s voice may now be created by anybody with a $1, a few minutes, and an internet connection. What’s at risk is our capacity to believe that the voices of persons we connect with online are authentic as normal people. We could someday live in a world where it’s difficult to tell whether a call you get from your mother or your employer is truly coming from them. Although there may not yet be an AI voice cloning scam issue, one is seen in the distance. Creating methods with your loved ones to protect against the chance that your voices are synthesized, such as code phrases or a form of human two-factor authentication, according to some experts, is now the time. You could anticipate the type of communications that cybercriminals produce. Those that are distressed and in a rush. They will imitate a victim’s friend or family member using the cloning technique, leaving a voicemail in which they claim the victim has been in a car accident, robbed, or otherwise harmed. In any case, the fake communication frequently claims that they urgently want money. Is it A Serious Issue? One in four respondents to a recent worldwide poll, which included 7,000 people, stated they had fallen victim to an AI voice cloning scam themselves or knew someone who had. These voice clone messages use a small portion of a person’s voice and a script written by a cybercriminal. In the global poll, 70% of respondents claimed they were unsure whether they could tell the difference between a cloned voice and the real thing. Overall, the strategy has so far shown to be fairly successful. In our study, one in ten respondents reported receiving a message from an AI voice clone, and 77% of those victims claimed they suffered financial losses as a result. A Real Example We always go through these studies here and there, but the question of credibility always stays. But as for this AI voice scam, there are plenty of real-life incidences to back. Ruth Card received a random call on a random day. The person on the other end sounded exactly like her grandson and was crying claiming he is in jail. Her “grandson” also said he doesn’t have his phone, wallet, or card on him and he needs to pay for the bail. Freaked out, Ruth, 73, and her husband Greg Grace, 75, rushed to their bank in Regina Saskatchewan, and withdrew 3000 Canadian dollars. However, as they were making their way to another branch to withdraw more money, the manager stopped them and said another account holder had gotten a similar phone call and all of this was an AI voice scam made possible with AI voice generators. Fortunately for this particular incident, there wasn’t a permanent and huge loss of money or other valuables, but the cases in which that does happen are many. Are There Laws and Regulations? Artificial intelligence advancements have introduced a disturbing new element, making it possible for villains to mimic a voice with just a little audio sample, such as a few phrases. With the use of artificial intelligence (AI), a plethora of low-cost web programs can convert an audio clip into a voice clone, enabling a con artist to make whatever they write “speak”. According to experts, government authorities, law enforcement, and the courts lack the tools necessary to stop the growing swindle. The majority of victims have few clues to follow to track down the offender, and it is challenging for the authorities to track down calls and money from international fraudsters. Additionally, there isn’t much legal precedence for courts to hold tool manufacturers responsible for their usage. With AI voice cloning scams picking up pace, the laws and regulations need to do the same to control them. Another issue is Ai voice generators are available with just one search. Plus they have an extremely interface. Once you feed it with a voice sample, you are ready for your journey of AI voice scam. Be Safe, and Be Aware! Tell the caller you have a terrible connection and will call them back if they claim to be from police enforcement. Ask what organization they are calling from (college security, the local jail, the FBI), then hang up (even though con artists will say almost anything to keep you on the line). If you are unable to reach your loved one, call local police authorities or find out the facility’s phone number to let them know what is happening. Pro Tip! Have a secret passcode or phrase with your close circle and say it before every call to avoid such incidences.
The A-B-C of Mindfulness: Meditation Tips for Beginners You Need To Clear Your Mind
For the last few years, Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness have become the “trend” it is today. Every influencer, celebrity, or that random family in your neighborhood. Everyone has their own set of tips for “how to meditate properly” or “meditation for beginners”. To practice mindfulness meditation, we must put aside our preconceived notions and let our insatiable curiosity explore the inner workings of the mind. We must also approach our experience with warmth and kindness, both toward ourselves and toward others. The most common thing people tend to say about meditation and maintaining that beautiful mind is to “pause all your thoughts and meditate.” But let us all tell you this Melinda, that turning off your thoughts is the most difficult thing to achieve. The race of thoughts is a race one definitely can win without prior practice and workout. Someone new will have a very tough time sitting still for extended periods or having an “empty mind.” When you are just beginning to discover the best ways to meditate, we offer various resources to help you through this process, such as a beginner meditation DVD or a brain- sensing headband. In general, concentrating on the breath makes it simple to start meditating. Concentration is an illustration of one of the most popular methods of how to meditate properly. Mindfulness: A New Concept? The practice of mindfulness meditation helps the participant to pay attention to assailing ideas as they pass through the mind. The goal is to just be aware of each mental note as it emerges without getting engaged with them or judging them. When you practice mindfulness meditation, you may see the patterns in which your thoughts and emotions typically move. You might gradually become more conscious of the propensity for people to categorize experiences as either positive or negative, enjoyable or painful. A sense of inner equilibrium emerges with practice. The emancipation of the mind from attachment to things it cannot control, such as adverse external situations or intense interior emotions, is considered the ultimate benefit of meditation in Buddhist philosophy. Instead of blindly pursuing desires or clinging to past experiences, the freed or “enlightened” practitioner maintains inner harmony and peace. Step-By-Step Quick Meditation For Beginners This meditation for beginners activity is a great way to learn how to meditate. Focus is a component of several meditations for beginners techniques. These kinds are referred to as dharana in traditional yoga. But the purest kind of meditation is letting go and being in a state of pure consciousness. You can only get there by giving up all effort. When you first begin to meditate, especially in the early stages, quiet awareness of the breath may be a huge help. However, it is beneficial to gradually let go of this concentration and unwind. The Basics of Mindfulness Through the dismantling of our conditioned responses, mindfulness enables us to create some distance between ourselves and our emotions. You’ll probably experience nicer, calmer, and more patient feelings as you practice mindfulness. Changes in other areas of your life are probably going to follow these changes in your experience. Being mindful may make you more fun, enhance the pleasure of a lengthy tea chat with a friend, and help you wind down for a restful night’s sleep.
SpaceX’s Euclid Space Telescope To Explore 36% of The Sky And Dark Regions
At 11:12 a.m. ET on Saturday, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the Euclid Space Telescopelifted off from Florida’s Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. The mission was long awaited byseveral astronomy enthusiasts as it has the potential to explore several mysteries, theories, andquestions. The Telescope The four-foot-diameter, 1.2-meter-diameter telescope has begun a month-long voyage to the sun-Earth Lagrange point L2, which is around 1 million miles (1.6 million kilometers) from Earthand also serves as the home of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. Euclid will follow Earthas it revolves around the sun. Euclid will spend two months testing and calibrating its equipment, a visible light camera and anear-infrared camera/spectrometer, after entering orbit. Then, over the following six years, it willobserve one-third of the sky. Over the course of its six-year mission, the Euclid telescope will survey 36% of the sky, and toexamine such a big region, the telescope has an extremely broad field of vision. “Euclid is coming at a really interesting time in the history of cosmology,” said Jason Rhodes, aphysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory who leads Euclid’s U.S. science team. “We areentering a time when Euclid is going to be great at answering questions that are just nowemerging. And I am certain that Euclid is going to be fantastic for answering questions wehaven’t even thought of.” A Wider Horizon! The spaceship won’t be the only one gazing into the universe’s dark recesses. However,astronomers will utilize Euclid to scan large swaths of the extragalactic sky at once, in contrast tothe Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes, which concentrate intently on one area of the skyat a time. Euclid will image the universe’s structure around one billion years after the Big Bang in three ofthe locations it records, going even further back in time. Before arriving at the second LagrangePoint, which is a stable hovering location around 1.5 million kilometers (about 930,000 miles)from Earth, Euclid will spend about one month journeying through space.
Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg In Roman Colosseum? Musk Starts Training.
It all started with a silly Twitter conversation between the two tech personalities. Things escalatedrather quickly, and now the world prepares for a UFC Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg cage fight! The Buzz Ever since the video of the UFC chief surfaced, there was a huge buzz on the inter webs regarding thisone-of-a-kind fight. Even more, spice was added by Elon Musk, who tweeted that there was “somechance” the fight may take place in Rome’s Colosseum, one of history’s most famous battlegrounds.However, the revelation ultimately aims to generate interest around two of the largest social medianetworks and comes just after Meta unveiled a Twitter rival.“Up for a cage match?” tweeted Elon Musk, to which Mark Zuckerberg replied, “Send me location”. Preparing Way Ahead Right after these tweets, it is reported that Elon Musk is training with UFC legend Georges St. Pierre. Histraining partner Lex Fridman said he was “extremely impressed with his strength, power, and skill, onthe feet and the ground.”Describing their training as “epic”, it seems Elon Musk is all hyped and getting ready to compete against his competitor.Elon Musk, who is 52 years old, is set to compete against Mark Zuckerberg who is 39. While there areminor size differences between them, it is the skills that matter right? Musk vs Zuck Gaining intel on the worthy competitor- Mark Zuckerberg, he is a well-trained Ju-Jitsu fighter. He isinvolved in several fitness challenges including “Murph” which is doing a hundred squats, push-ups, and pull-ups while wearing a weighted vest. The Roman Colosseum If a claim by TMS Sports is to be accepted, the 2000-year-old Roman amphitheater has beenunconditionally given by the Italian Ministry of Culture.Even while the news “appears tasty,” the Italian government claimed that it wasn’t they who informedthe publication that there had been no formal communication. The ministry allegedly said, “IfZuckerberg and Musk wanted to perform in the Colosseum they would have to make a non-violentchallenge.” The Public Reacts Ever since the news has been out, netizens have been hilariously reacting to this situation. Makingmemes, podcasts, and posts of all kinds.One user made an AI-morphed of the Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg fight. A podcast talked about the fight, where they called Mark Zuckerberg “a savage” and showed clips ofMark while fighting and taking people down.
National Geographic Lays off Writing Staff. Responds on Twitter
National Geographic magazine is truly a trend setter. The beloved and iconic magazine coveredeverything there is in nature. After writing and publishing for over 100 years, NationalGeographic finally laid off the last few of their remaining writing staff this week.These past months of 2023, the “employee layoffs” has become a sort of trend in companies-both big and small. It started with giants like Twitter, Amazon and Disney. Their reasoning andlogic is always something like “couldn’t help it” or “no choice”. Not really thinking about theemployee who lost the job their life depends on. “Staffing changes will not change our ability to do this work, but rather give us moreflexibility to tell different stories and meet our audiences where they are across our manyplatforms,” the spokesperson said. “Any insinuation that the recent changes will negativelyimpact the magazine, or the quality of our storytelling, is simply incorrect.” What Now? The magazine plans to hire freelancers for writing and editing jobs. The fact that the veryiconic yellow-rectangled publication has steeped to this is shocking to many.The magazine will no longer be available at stores as a physical copy across the UnitedStates. Starting next year, the company aims to apply several cost-cutting tactics to keepthe magazine running. The Iconic Magazine Staff Reactions National Geographic laid off the very last of their writing staff. People who have beenworking with the magazine for more than a decade.The Senior Writer for NatGeo tweeted about the latest issue and conveyed his gratefulnessand support to the company as well as his co-workers.Writer and Editor Nina Strochlic described her time with National Geographic as “thecoolest job I’ll ever have”. Through her tweet, she considers herself lucky to be a part ofthe magazine team.
What is Revenge Porn? And Does Law Protect Its Victims?
An 11th grade student shared a picture of themselves in underwear privately to their partner. And to their shock, it was later shared with each one of their classmates as a joke. One wrong decision, one wrong person to trust, and things hit the fan. This, is Revenge Porn. A couple was having problems. When one of them decided to break it off, they receive threatsfrom their partner of sending intimate pictures to friends and family if they decide to leave. Infear of conservative parents and family, the partner decides to stay in the toxic relationship. Witha threatening partner who, at the end sends those pictures to friends while trash talking andlaughing. This, is Revenge Porn. Despite being often used, the phrase “revenge porn” might be deceptive. Some criminals may useintimate or graphic videos or images after breakups, fights, or other unpleasant acts, even thoughthey are not motivated by retaliation or any personal feelings for the victim at the time the crimehappens. “Nonconsensual pornography (NCP),” which is defined as the dissemination ofsexually explicit photos of people without their agreement, is the legal and maybe more accurateword. What is Revenge Porn Due to the growing popularity of digital devices and the internet, revenge porn is a relativelyrecent phenomena. The victims of revenge porn can suffer terrible repercussions, and offendersmay now get prison sentences.In a kind of online abuse known as revenge porn, naked or sexually graphic images or films aredisseminated without the subjects’ knowledge or permission. It is strongly tied to sexual abuseand is sometimes referred to as nonconsensual pornography.Statistics say that 38% of men and 35% of women have traded or shared explicit graphicphotographs. To assist educate kids and adults that sexting is a choice, the media has embracedads and PSAs (though we recognize there are times when individuals feel compelled to do this). A Real World Problem It typically occurs between partners who, when their relationship was healthy, shared personal orintimate photos and videos, which were subsequently used to blackmail or hurt the other personafter a disagreement or rupture.As a result, when the relationship soured later on, one or both of the ex-partners threatened orblackmailed the other by threatening to reveal the photos or videos to the public or to theirfamily members and friends.More and more people need to be educated on this as “what is revenge porn” is a question onmany minds. The lack of education shows. Women are more likely to be targeted than males in image-based sexual abuse, or so-calledrevenge porn, as is the case for sexual or gendered abuse and harassment online more generally.Additionally, the effects of this type of abuse on a person’s health and wellness can be severe.Revenge Porn laws need to be rigid and strict. Is Revenge Porn Illegal? A reform in the law eliminates the need for victims of revenge porn who were subjected tointimate image abuse to demonstrate that their abusers meant to cause them anguish. The Online Safety Bill’s revisions to present legislation would protect victims by removing theburden of proof from the prosecution that distress-inducing graphic photographs or videos wereuploaded online.The Revenge Porn laws all over the world might just result in pushing these people more towardsharassing and threatening the victims.
Domingo German Joins MLB’s Perfect Game Elite
By pitching the 24th perfect game in Major League Baseball (MLB) history, Domingo Germán of the New York Yankees secured his place in baseball history with a spectacular display of pitching ability. The right-hander threw the 24th perfect game in MLB history in an 11-0 Yankees win Wednesday, setting down the moribund Oakland Athletics 27 in a row at a sparsely attended Oakland Coliseum. The 27 opposition batters were all retired by Germán, who displayed great skill and control by not allowing a single hit, walk, or baserunner to advance. This incredible accomplishment pushes Germán to the top tier of MLB pitchers and adds a noteworthy chapter to the illustrious history of perfect games in baseball. A Pitching Masterpiece Domingo Germán pitched flawlessly against Oakland Athletics, showcasing his remarkable control and accuracy. Germán threw an amazing variety of pitches from the first inning to the last out, confusing the opposition’s batters and preventing them from making solid contact. Germán’s flawless performance was evidence of his extraordinary talent and firm dedication. He routinely struck the corners of the strike zone throughout the game, producing weak ground balls, pop-ups, and strikeouts. The previous game was also Germán’s second straight clunker, as he allowed seven earned runs in his previous start against the Boston Red Sox. Joining a Prestigious Club Germán joins a select group of pitchers who have achieved perfection on the field by pitching the 24th perfect game in MLB history. With this remarkable feat, he joins the ranks of baseball greats like Sandy Koufax, Randy Johnson, and Roy Halladay, whose own perfect games established their names in baseball lore. Teamwork and Exceptional Defence While Germán’s individual performance was exceptional, his teammates should also receive praise for their superior defensive play. To maintain the ideal, the Yankees’ fielders made a number of remarkable plays, including diving catches, acrobatic throws, and clever positioning. Their inputs were essential in making sure the game turned out well. Adding to the Long History of Baseball The illustrious history of baseball gains yet another noteworthy chapter thanks to Germán’s perfect game. A perfect game, in which a pitcher strikes out all 27 batters he faces, is a rare occurrence that best captures the romance and drama of America’s pastime. Each perfect game is evidence of the pitcher’s talent, mental toughness, and the team’s overall effort. This momentous occasion will go down in baseball history as a noteworthy accomplishment and be permanently ingrained in the minds of fans and baseball fans everywhere.
Sri Lanka Declares a Five-Day Bank Holiday for Domestic Debt Restructuring
Sri Lanka has declared a five-day bank holiday to be used to put into action a comprehensive debt restructuring plan in an effort to solve its increasing internal debt crisis. The country is making the step in an effort to reduce debt while also balancing its financial system, as a result of growing economic concerns. The government plans to temporarily close banks and financial institutions in order to carry out important restructuring steps and come up with long-term solutions to reduce fiscal constraints. The World Bank Group’s Board of Executive Directors had a meeting to examine the new Country Partnership Framework for Sri Lanka, which intends to aid in restoring stability to the country’s financial and economic sectors and lay a solid foundation for a recovery that is both environmentally friendly and inclusive. Sri Lanka’s increasing domestic debt crisis Sri Lanka has struggled with a heavy domestic debt load that has been gradually growing in recent years. The nation’s economy is under extreme stress as a result of the growing debt problem, demanding immediate action to prevent further decline. Government’s Strategic Move By announcing a five-day bank holiday, the Sri Lankan government has taken a calculated step in response to the urgent need for debt restructuring. This proactive move demonstrates the government’s dedication to resolving the increasing debt crisis and bringing stability back to the financial system of the nation. During the five-day bank holiday authorities will have a significant window of time thanks to this shutdown to implement the required restructuring measures. To ensure a quick and easy process, the government and financial institutions will collaborate. Restructuring the Domestic Debt: Goals and Objectives To reduce debt and lay a strong basis for the nation’s fiscal health are the main objectives of the bank holiday and debt restructuring plan. Sri Lanka hopes to attain long-term stability and find viable solutions to its financial problems by putting broad restructuring measures into place. IMF announces $3-b credit facility to revive Lanka’s economy Effects on People and Businesses The government has reassured the public that critical services will still be available despite the possibility of some brief interruption in banking services as a result of the bank holiday. People and businesses are urged to work together and provide support during this crucial time, knowing how crucial the debt restructuring process is to the stability of the nation’s economy. Declaring the bank holiday is simply one action among many being taken to revive Sri Lanka’s economy. The administration is still dedicated to carrying out plans that draw in the capital, boost economic expansion, and advance budgetary management that is transparent and accountable. These programs are essential to ensuring that the country has a sustainable and successful future. In the long run, Sri Lanka’s economic prospects will be greatly improved by the government’s dedication to open budgetary management and the adoption of growth-oriented policies.
Why Online Certification Courses are Crucial for Career Building?
Online certification courses have recently become an easily accessible and convenient educational tool. With physical classes not possible during COVID-19, online courses were a unique opportunity for everyone to learn new skills and knowledge from the comfort of their own home. A Coursera survey of people taking online courses found that up to 72% of people have experienced significant career development and 26% of students have found a new job because of those skills. Let’s dive in to learn more about these online certification courses and what are the different online courses platform proving these online certification courses. Whether you’re fresher and looking to complete your resume to get into the job market, or you’re already working and looking for a better job opportunity, here’s how online courses can help you to improve your career skills and land your dream job: These online courses can be taken anywhere in the world – now you have the opportunity to take online courses at universities like Harvard and Stanford to acquire career skills without having to travel there. Additionally, if your work schedule is unpredictable, you can adjust the pace of the course to suit your needs. Unlike face-to-face classes, these courses allow you to follow the classes at your own pace, so you don’t have to juggle your job/work. university and course. Most courses, even those from reputable universities, are available for free or at very little cost. This is to ensure that access to quality education is not hampered by financial or spatial constraints. The education system may not offer an opportunity to specialise in a niche area, especially one that has emerged recently. For example, most law schools do not include blockchain and cryptocurrency regulations as part of the general curriculum. So if you want to specialize in such areas, taking an online course in your chosen field is best. Not only that, if an area might interest you but does not match your current professional needs, you can continue your education through online courses and, based on this, diversify your professional profile, learn new career skills and increase your chances of professional career development. Taking the initiative by selecting additional online courses can go a long way in making a good impression on potential employers. These additional qualifications give you an advantage over other candidates and show the employer different qualities such as entrepreneurship and initiative. This will help you stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of finding your dream job.
5 Futuristic Healthcare Technology That Changed Industry Forever
Healthcare is one of the most critical industries and its development makes it possible to cure many diseases, health and technology coming together to cure diseases that are even rarer. Technological advances in the medical field have allowed a deeper understanding of diseases. Healthcare technology have revolutionised the world, and technology-based tools are integrated into every phase of healthcare quality and efficiency. Technology plays a big role in providing better insights into the human body. However, progress cannot be made without considering other elements that pave the way for a better and healthier future. These include rising healthcare costs, increasing inequalities and climate change. The presence of technology in medical applications creates new opportunities for patients and medical staff to live in a more sustainable environment and even fight previously incurable diseases. Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, virtual assistance, the Internet of Medical Things or 5G are just a few examples that help creating and manage healthcare information system helps in assisting medical facilities and improving them. Today’s healthcare industry stands tall as a $2 trillion giant at a crossroads, combining to domain health and technology. The industry needs help with overwhelming costs and bureaucracy and is looking for ways to improve in almost every possible area. Let us see how health and technology come together to serve humans. These are the five latest healthcare technology that has revolutionised the healthcare industry. Healthcare Technology for Surgery Surgery has seen some of the greatest increases in efficiency and advances in medical technology over the years. Robots assist in various surgeries, from minor non-invasive procedures to open-heart surgery. These robotic surgical assistants come in all shapes and sizes, from a tiny robot that crawls across the surface of the heart to a giant arm that serves as an extra pair of hands during procedures. Robots aren’t the only technology attacking the operating room. Virtual and augmented reality help doctors and surgeons to look into the healthcare information system and to perform better in various important tasks such as practising new surgical techniques or explaining procedures to patients in detail. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare Artificial intelligence is evolving in many fields, including healthcare. Artificial intelligence is one of the most important healthcare technology, with diverse applications such as examining patient information and other data using healthcare information system, and the possibility of developing new medicines and improving the efficiency of diagnostic procedures. Machine learning, a type of artificial intelligence, is having a huge impact on the healthcare industry. For example, this technology has enabled the analysis of CT scans to treat the effects of the coronavirus. However, there are many other uses of AI beyond pandemic management such as keeping all the information in the healthcare information system. Artificial intelligence improves cancer diagnosis. For example, a biopsy was the primary means of diagnosing cancer for decades, but this did not provide a complete picture of the organ’s tissues. Today, digital scans of a specific region potentially affected by cell mutations are a fundamental part of modern histopathological techniques. Pathologists can use Whole Slides or Whole Slide Imaging (WSI) to image much larger parts of the human body at once. Another example is Microsoft, which has developed a brilliant artificial intelligence technology called Project InnerEye. The project shows how artificial intelligence can improve doctors’ ability to arrange radiation therapy 13 times faster. These examples show how health and technology can benefit human health. Integrating data and Predictive analysis Combined with artificial intelligence and other technologies, data integration and predictive analytics help you gain meaningful insights into the condition of your patients. Thanks to artificial intelligence devices like robots that enable data integration and predictive analytics, healthcare workers can gain insight into a patient’s medical records, make a more accurate diagnosis, and decide what treatment is right for them. Robots collect data and log into the healthcare information system and predict, sometimes before the doctors what the patient needs. However, there are concerns about the presence of robots, such as whether they can really replace humans in their work. Such visions are already common in science fiction films; For example, the “Baymax” robot known from Big Hero 6 can measure a patient’s pain intensity, inform and intervene when a patient is in danger and indicate what medication is needed, if these fictions come to reality The healthcare technology would be boon for human beings. Nevertheless, the reality is different from movies. AI might not replace doctors but rather help them receive suggested diagnoses, drugs, and treatment plans based on a patient’s specific medical records, history, and present symptoms analysed in the healthcare information system. Healthcare staff will be able to use the results of this thorough and thorough analysis of healthcare data to improve patient outcomes, lower costs, and increase staff job satisfaction. Technology in mental health According to the World Health Organization, mental health problems are increasing worldwide. In the last ten years, there has been a 13% increase in mental illnesses and addictions, mainly due to demographic change. Today, 1 in 5 people suffer from a disability due to mental health problems. The recent impact is mainly due to social media usage and the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the past year, several new healthcare technologies have been developed to help meet a patient’s ongoing mental health needs. Since a lot has shifted to the Internet, many psychologists and psychotherapists provide help via video messenger. There are also digital therapies (DTx) and some applications are able to complete patient enrollment and offer an initial diagnosis. Doctors are therefore trying to find solutions that help as many people as possible. Remote patient monitoring & virtual care The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the public network of interconnected devices and the technology that enables the communication between devices and clouds. Often referred to as the medical Internet of Things, the medical industry includes advanced healthcare technology such as wearable sensors, 5G-enabled devices and remote patient monitoring. Some of these devices can