Global College Malta: Developing People To Their True Potential For Over A Decade

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When universities were set up about a century ago, scholars established the primary purpose of these institutions was to teach wisdom and enlightenment to the students. At the time exclusively for a select group of the elite and wealthy. As we hop onto the time train and reach modern times, that primary purpose has several sub-purposes branched out. Today, an institution’s primary purpose is to provide wisdom and education; but also to shape a canvas of a clear mind into something magical. To provide a diverse, warm, and welcoming environment where a student can be nurtured into utmost growth.

Two of the most essential purposes of higher education are students’ character development and their preparation for real-life demands. One could argue that they should already be established before enrolling in college. Still, the education systems at pre-university levels need to provide students with the chance to learn about themselves and experience continuous character development.

Headquartered in Malta, Global College Malta is one of the most prominent and cutting-edge private institutions in the Mediterranean region. The institution is famous for providing outstanding, post-graduate, and undergraduate programs. The goal of comprehensive, top-notch education and cross-disciplinary curricula is to get students ready for a fulfilling and highly gratifying job.

Strength At The Core

Established in 2012, Global College Malta aspires to give its students the knowledge and abilities they need to thrive in a globally competitive environment. Whatever course one decides to take, the institution wishes success and a wonderful, fulfilling educational experience.

All through these years, Global College Malta has established healthy connections with several universities in Europe, North America, and Asia to ensure that their students receive global education in its purest form.

Global College Malta offers specifically created, top-notch business and management courses, all of which are geared to improve employability. Specifically, in the areas of Business Management, Accounting, Finance, Health & Social Care Events & Tourism Management.

The institution believes that its core strength lies in the recognized expertise and teaching abilities of its reputable academics from all over the world. A faculty that provides a wealth of comprehensive and cutting-edge teaching, business, and industry. The school is very proud to welcome new students. They interact with students through a distinctive learning experience and work with them to help shape a bright future because they see every student as the next generation of industry leaders.

The actions and decisions made by the college line up perfectly with its motto “Developing People To Their True Potential.” This mission is the cornerstone owned and protected by the college which is reflected in every step taken at the Study World Global College Malta.

A remarkable group of people who are dedicated to making a meaningful difference make up the institution. It has always taken great pleasure in its commitment to providing motivating and excellent student teaching and learning thanks to its highly certified and experienced teachers. Not from their backgrounds or prior experiences, but our students will benefit from the intellectual challenge and the chance to grow as individuals because of how it is taught and how it is approached.

“At GCM, we believe in shaping & creating business leaders, entrepreneurs and so

We support and welcome business ideas from the students. We provide expert guidance,

comprehensive business plan formulation support, connections to alumni in related areas of

the proposed business, introduction to investors and venture capitalists thus creating a perfect

launching pad for budding entrepreneurs at our college.”

Leading With Leadership

For an institution responsible for making future innovative business leaders, the institution needs its innovative leader to lead the way. Dr. Vidhya Vinod is currently the President and Group CEO and is in charge of leading and managing the Study World Group as a whole. She has led from the front and developed a devoted, enthusiastic, and execution-focused team that has been crucial to the success of the collaboration with Heriot-Watt University.

Being one of the youngest women CEOs in the region, Dr. Vidhya Vinod is the proud founder of the Study World Group and has the vision of enhancing lives through international education for all. Dr. Vidhya, after completing her Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and a Master’s in Computer Application, started her academic career as a lecturer in UAE. She played a key role in setting up the first foreign University- Heriot-Watt University, in Dubai.

Over the last 10 years, the college has enjoyed immense success and growth. Dr. Vidhya has added real academic and professional value to the lives of several students and professionals.

“At this time, the World desperately needs the skills, knowledge, and ability to work and live together that you have acquired during your time with Global College Malta.”

Dr. Vidhya works to inspire the entire GCM with her innovative management skills. She has the vision to establish the college as the largest higher education institution in her region. Aiming towards making reputed and commercially viable international education available to students from different parts of the world.

A Walk Through The Campus

Global College Malta being true to the “global” in their name, has students from all over. Making the campus a vibrant rainbow of ethnicities, backgrounds, attitudes, and approaches. The College is committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where all people feel supported and valued, enabling them not only to succeed but also thrive. For its international students, numerous celebrations rejoice. For various regional festivals and other events that hold importance to the students from their respective roots. This creates perfect cohesion among students as well as provides glimpses of cultural diversity.

A student is faced with numerous challenges as they embark on their college or uni journey. Students must devote their complete attention to university life. The students should always review the course syllabus, maintain their confidence, and examine the various assignment forms. On top of that, adjusting themselves to the campus and between their peers puts even more pressure on these minds. What they need during such crucial starting days and even later is a campus that is warm and welcoming.

At GCM, every student is looked at individually, and not just as a part of the crowd. Every student holds a special value and worth in the eyes of the institution and their problems are heard always.

Apart From Academics

You can’t bring vibrance to a painting with the same 2 colors in your palette. Academia makes up a major chunk of a student’s college life, but what about the other little but essential chunks? That’s when extracurricular activities step in. As a college with students from various countries and cultures, GCM has an abundance of planned celebration days where they rejoice and be proud of each other’s roots.

The college sees this as an opportunity for students to be exposed to cultures. These experiences inculcate values of adaptability in a student which is essential in today’s globalized world. Celebrating festivals and occasions of various countries not only helps educate students about cultures they probably haven’t heard about but also promotes the concept of
“Unity in Diversity.”

“Local Cuisine Day” is one of the many days where students join hands as a community. On this particular day, students enjoy meals from different countries and cultures. Throughout the year, extracurricular activities like this are promoted, practiced, and preached to the students.

Facing The Outside World After GCM

A highly educated staff gives companies a competitive advantage in today’s business environment. Employees with education, particularly those in the subject of business education, aid companies in operating more efficiently. Some may even discover new or improved methods of producing goods and services. Employees with strong business backgrounds offer organizations, valuable internal managerial candidates, allowing organizations to advance internal workers instead of engaging in costly and time-consuming manager recruitment efforts.

After graduating from Global College Malta, our students are working as CEOs, COOs’, Executive Directors, Business Development Managers, Operations Managers, Retail Heads,

and Business heads with leading private and public entities across Europe & Asia.

“At GCM, we emphasize equally practical & theoretical knowledge so our pedagogy is more biased towards experiential learning. Most of our faculty members are accomplished business leaders in their domain thus they carry years of enriching business experience to be shared with students.”

Business cannot be taught solely in the classroom for very obvious reasons, so the pedagogy includes visits to businesses, group discussions, case studies, business simulations, participation in business forums, business talks from industry leaders, learning about technological advancement in a business environment, etc.

All of the courses are up-to-date, industry-relevant, and actively promote critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and a positive reflection of the most recent trends and technology required to meet the demands of shifting global environments and markets.

Future Plans And Programs

Global College Malta has nearly ten years of experience in Malta, has a well-deserved reputation for excellent quality, and has solid and established ties with the local business community. With their courses in Business, Finance, and so on, many of their graduates have gone on to have highly successful jobs in Maltese and worldwide organizations. Further GCM has plans to launch programs in the Medical and Healthcare sector such as allied Health programs, Health and Social Care programs, and other detailed Medical Programs.

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