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Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: Reaching Out to Those In Need

Suicide Prevention

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death. An estimated 703,000 people lose their lives due to suicide. September is “Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.” Directly connected with someone’s mental health and condition, this cause of death even though is leading, is somehow taboo to be discussed and processed. 

Every suicidal death is a public health issue that has a significant effect on the people in the community. We can lower the number of suicides worldwide by increasing knowledge, removing the stigma associated with it, and promoting informed action.

As members of society, as children, as parents, as friends, as coworkers, or just as human beings, we can all contribute to helping those who are in a suicidal crisis or who have lost a loved one to suicide. We can all spread awareness of the problem, help those who are in need, and share our personal experiences. Through our actions, we may all spread hope and shine a light.

Resources and Ways to Help

The theme for this year is “Creating hope through action.” The slogan supports and encourages the creation of an environment of hope and positivity not just by words, but by actions. Not just by posting uplifting quotes online, but also to check up on our near and dear. To make sure they are doing fine and if they need help. 

WHO has a unique “LIVE LIFE” approach for suicide prevention. There are four strategies- 

  • Restricting easy availability of hazardous substances which can act as means of suicide
  • Educating media about reporting suicide.
  • Educating the public about recognizing and correct ways of helping individuals.
  • Early identification of suspicious or concerning behavior, handling and approach to said behavior, and usage of resources and helplines to further prevent the issue. 

If you or someone you know have been having a hard time in life, it is important to know that you are not alone and are loved. Asking for help is always the best option.

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