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Digital Privacy
5 Ways To Protect Your Digital Privacy

In the era of everything connected to the internet, it …

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Electric Vehicles: Climate Solution at Cost of Human Lives

Climate action is the new buzzword. And why wouldn’t it …

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slice of life movie
10 Slice of Life Movies That Will Change Your Views

Slice of life describes the depiction of mundane experiences exceedingly …

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Suppressed Inventions
Hypothetical and Suppressed Inventions, If Existed, Would Have Changed the World

Technology is very essential for today’s world and its effects …

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intellectual property
How Russia’s Theft Legality Will Cost Unfriendly Nations?

After President Vladimir Putin bombarded Ukraine, Russia is increasingly isolated …

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Love is The Connecting Force of The Universe
Don’t Fade-up, Shine Bright!

There is so much going on right now and we …

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Two realities
How Living In Two Realities Is Dangerous?

Some of us can remember the life before digital technology, …

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People With Autism
People With Autism: The Most Proscribed Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder could be an altogether unpopular, buttoned-up disorder that …

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Porsha Carter
Porsha Carter: Women Empowerment, Feminism and Equality

Porsha Carter, a woman of color has been keenly interested …

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International Mother Language Day
International Mother Language Day

The concept of celebrating International Mother Language Day was an …

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Mental Health Disorders
Health and Happiness Against Mental Health Disorders

The most potent topic among the present generation nowadays is …

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Spirituality and the health
Remarkable Connection Between Spirituality and the Health

You know the principles of healthy life include nourishment and …

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