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Importance of English Language in India- The Past And The Present

Importance of English Language

The English language has grown to be a part of our education, trade, legal notices, and even billboards. It is one of the languages that must be utilized by all state institutions, including universities, colleges, and schools, according to the Indian Constitution. Today, English is a global language. The accepted and understood language worldwide. The importance of the English language in India can be seen as it is the third most spoken language in the country. 

Even though, English being a part of education ever since kindergarten, there are still some who struggle with the language. According to a study focusing on the employability of 150,000 engineering students, barely 7% were fit for core engineering jobs. Soft skills and English fluency are one of the main reasons. 

English- The Global Language Of Today

Without a question, English, along with Hindi and the regional languages, is the chosen language of teaching in Indian schools. That is because the country’s higher education and professional degrees are primarily taught in this language. Moreover, proficiency in English is required to pass all competitive exams in India, including the Bank, SSE, and UPSC, among others. In addition, some competitive exams, like the CAT, can only be taken in English. As a result, this language is in relatively high demand in the Indian educational sector.

English is the language of the Internet because of the increased need for it in the current era of digitalization. The importance of the English language is evident when the bulk of websites and material on the internet is authored in or developed in English. Even websites with content published in another language typically include a translation option. Websites worth viewing include Facebook, Twitter, Google, Quora, Wikipedia, and Google.

The popularity of English and the domination of individuals who engage in it make it the world’s most widely spoken language. India, a growing nation, must recognize this global language. Everyone is aware that India’s economy is developing and that it is one of the top exporters in the world. It is currently the world’s 18th-largest export economy. India (and its citizens) import goods, which helps the global economy.

Importance of English in India 

The British East India Company is the one who sailed to India bringing the language with their other baggage. Now be it to help them understand the processes and updates here, or to colonize yet another country, British officers taught Indians the language of English. The ones who learned and complied were given jobs under various posts and ministries. 

With time, the English language in India started growing itself-run publications were selling English-written magazines and articles. People started mimicking the language as mockery but in the end, even that is the impact of the now global language. 

Throughout the next centuries, the trade corporation gradually got engaged in local politics and developed industry. They began seeking Indian mediators who might serve in administrative capacities under the control of British authorities out of a desire to extend their dominance in India. They soon began hiring affluent Indians, such as Brahmins, to work for them. The main goal of the British was to raise an Indian class capable of thinking and working like the British. At this point, they understood how crucial the English language is to education in India. To do this, they constructed several institutions with a focus on the English language that was modeled on British models.

English In The 21st Century

There are many native English speakers in India, where the global language is highly well-liked. But it’s on a pretty big scale. Although there are several English-speaking schools in India, none of their students can speak or write in the language. The foundation is where the issue lies. The English language in India is taught as a second language at every educational level. It is widely used as the primary medium of instruction in higher education. In India, it is still freely used for administrative, judicial, educational, and even literacy-related reasons.

English Language And Economic Growth

The majority of nations now have English as a primary or secondary language, which has made doing business easier. Consider India as an example. If you attend any business meetings or bring business paperwork, for instance, the language of instruction is English. English is a major test component in the IAS general knowledge exam as well. So as you can see, to advance, you must be fluent in both English and local languages like Marathi or Urdu.

Global Language And International Relations

India has always maintained good International relations. India has been there to help and support countries in need. As the whole world has adopted the English language as the generally practiced language, India is no different. 

The need of exchanging ideas on a global level increases the importance of English in India. English is an effective way to exchange ideas and convince others of the views this country represents. 

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