National Science Day: 3 Contributions of C.V. Raman That You Might Not Know

National Science Day

How Much Do You Know About C.V. Raman? –  National Science Day 2023

“We must teach science in the mother tongue. Otherwise, science will become a highbrow activity. It will not be an activity in which all people can participate.” -C.V Raman

Science is the systematic study of the natural world via experimentation, analysis, and observation. To explain the underlying principles that underlie the behavior of physical, biological, and social phenomena, theories and models must be developed. To solve issues in the real world, science aims to comprehend the world and the rules that govern it.

Every year on February 28, Science Day—also known as National Science Day—is observed to honor Sir C.V. Raman, an Indian physicist who discovered the Raman effect on that date in 1928. A beam of light traveling through a transparent material can be scattered in a way that reveals details about the molecular structure of the fabric thanks to a phenomenon known as the Raman effect.

National Science Day 2023

National Science Day 2023 will have the theme “Global science for global well-being.” The subject represents India’s burgeoning global position and growing prominence in the international arena as it enters 2023.

Celebrate the accomplishments of scientists and their contributions to society on Science Day. It is a day to celebrate the role that science and technology play in our daily lives and to promote the quest for scientific understanding and knowledge. It also strives to encourage the study of science and technology in colleges and universities and to increase public understanding of the importance of science.

National Science Day is celebrated as a reminder of the ability of science to deepen our comprehension of the world. To assist in resolving some of the most critical issues that the human race is currently facing. It is a day to honor the accomplishments of scientists and to promote the advancement of scientific inquiry and knowledge. By advancing science and technology, we can assure a brighter future for ourselves and future generations.

Sir C.V. Raman 

On November 7, 1888, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman was born in the old Madras Province of India. He was an Indian physicist. Raman relocated to Visakhapatnam at a young age and attended St. Aloysius Anglo-Indian High School.

The “Raman effect,” or the inelastic scattering of the photons present in light, while passing through a transparent medium, is best known as the result of Sir C.V. Raman’s revolutionary discovery. The sky and oceans look blue to the eyes because of this inelastic scattering, which changes the wavelength of light. The Raman effect and Raman and Suri Bhagavantam’s discovery of the quantum photon spin in 1932 both provided additional evidence for the quantum basis of light.

Raman also spent a lot of time working on acoustics in addition to optics. Additionally, he studied the diffraction of light by ultrasonic and hypersonic acoustic waves, the impact of X-rays on crystals, and the spectroscopic behavior of crystals.

  1. The Raman Effect

In collaboration with K.S. Krishnan, Nobel Prize winner C.V Raman conducts an experiment on the scattering of light on February 28th, 1928. They experimented with IACS (Indian Association for the Development of Science) in Kolkata. It was then that he made the now-known Raman Effect discovery. It was immediately apparent how important this discovery was. It provides more evidence of light’s quantum nature. This phenomenon served as the foundation for Raman Spectroscopy, and Ernest Rutherford mentioned it in his 1929 lecture as president of the Royal Society in London.

Defining Sir C.V Raman’s great work, the Raman effect is a change in the wavelength of light that occurs when a light beam is deflected by molecules. When a beam of light traverses a dust-free, transparent sample of a chemical compound, a small fraction of the light emerges in directions other than that of the incident (incoming) beam. 

  1. Raman And Musical Instruments

Raman was also involved in the study of musical instrument acoustics. Based on the superposition of velocities, he developed the idea of transverse vibration of bowed strings. Also, he was the first to explore the harmonic composition of Indian drums like the table drum.

Also, he is intrigued by the characteristics of other musical instruments with forced vibrations, such as the violin. Raman’s work on acoustics was a crucial conceptual and experimental antecedent to his later work on optics and quantum physics. He also explored the propagation of sound in whispering galleries.

Waves and sounds captivated Raman. He had the chance to learn and experiment in the I ACS, and he decided to start by learning about musical instruments. He explained how the Ektara, a basic instrument constructed of a resonant box and a string stretched to lie across the cavity, worked by using a concept from Helmholtz’s book.

  1. Raman And Crystals

Raman took a novel approach to the fundamental issue of crystal dynamics in 1948 through his investigation of the Spectroscopic behavior of crystals. He studied the composition and characteristics of diamonds as well as the composition and optical behavior of a variety of iridescent materials, such as labradorite, pearly field spar, agate, opal, and pearls.

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