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Truth of ‘Pathway to Atlantis’ Discovered Under Pacific Ocean

Pathway to Atlantis

Scientists have discovered the “Pathway to Atlantis” in a never-before explored area of the pacific ocean. Deep-sea research scientists’ exploration vehicle “Nautilus” and the research team were researching underwater volcanic activities. The research site where the research happened is an area called Liliʻuokalani ridge in the Papahānaumokuakea Marine National Monument (PMNM) in the Pacific Ocean. 

What is PMNM?

PMNM is one of the biggest marine conversation areas in the world. PMNM is located in the northwest of side the Hawaiian islands, and it contains 583,000 square miles or 1,510,000 km^2 of ocean waters along with ten islands. And the explorations Nautilus has spent most of the past month in the PMNM studying the geological and biological systems of volcanic seamounts.

What is the truth of the video?

The youtube channel of EVNautilus published live footage of the explorations. In the footage, there is been seen a yellow-colored brick pattern by one of the scientists saying “It’s the road to Atlantis,” while another one resembles “the Yellow Brick Road” in the children’s novel The Wizard of Oz.

The formation strongly resembles a human-made brick road with rectangular blocks, it is actually a pattern of cracks in the seabed that is “an example of ancient active volcanic geology,” according to the description in the video posted. And the caption of the YouTube video “the unique 90-degree fractures are likely related to heating and cooling stress from multiple eruptions at this baked margin.” clears what it is actually.

“Our Corps of Exploration have witnessed incredibly unique and fascinating geological formations while diving on the Liliʻuokalani Ridge within the Papahānaumokuakea Marine National Monument”, the exploration team said in a statement.

The exploration vehicle Nautilus is operated by the non-profit organization Ocean Exploration Trust, dedicated to exploring the ocean. It also live-streams and publishes videos of the ship’s adventures and provides viewers a firsthand look at what the diving vehicles see deep down the Ocean.

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