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Pro Footballer Turns CEO Helping Entrepreneurs To Optimize Health And Fitness


Tanqueray Towns, an ex-pro football player from Utah is assisting entrepreneurs and business owners to optimize their health and reach higher performance peaks in life, business, and even the bedroom. He is now the CEO of Aggressive Intelligence, a performance conferring company that provides one of the most noteworthy individual success programs, Neuro Square Masterclass.

However, this program enables participants to optimize their bodies, nutrition, and lifestyle using a model that transforms results and purpose. Neuro Square Masterclass has been so popular that some of the company’s private CEO clients have copied the system in sixty-nine and more countries.

As revealed by the Towns, there’s a real hidden issue when it comes to entrepreneurs and this “hustle” culture that breeds burnout, low sex drive, and early mortality rates. This may feel like they are not working hard enough, especially if they are still managing to find the time to take care of their health. 

Town says “What a lot of entrepreneurs are feeling is that it’s either business success or fitness.” Town is concerned for his program and suggests that the key to success is looking after the health, mind, and body and using them to benefit oneself in the most diligent way possible.

Towns’ company tries to know each and every client, right down to the chemistry related to their brain, and design programs, routines, and instill habits that yank the entrepreneur’s best results, every time. By etching out the pelt of the fitness industry and providing sustainable personalized education based on each client, the company looks after them in every way.

“If you look at any successful person, and you reverse engineer that success, you will find that daily habits and lifestyle are the basis of that success. We work on optimizing better daily habits that coordinate with their work schedule and lifestyle, based on the science of neuro-type training specific to high-performing business owners. Coupled with accountability that is designed to help your transformation journey over the course of a year, your success is virtually guaranteed,” says the CEO.

Read More: Health and Happiness Against Mental Health Disorders

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